A Growing Profit Driver for European Retailers

Over the last five years, Retail and Commerce Media has rapidly become a key component of the CEO profit playbook and a major investment focus for leading European retailers like Tesco, Sainsbury's, MediaMarkt, Carrefour, REWE, Boots, and Ahold Delhaize. In many cases, it now contributes over 5% of retailer EBIT profits.
While the Nordics are still in the early stages of exploring this trend, with some retailers just beginning to establish scalable offerings, there remains a knowledge gap. Many are uncertain about how this media works, how it can be successfully implemented, and how it can boost profits in the context of smaller markets.
So, what exactly is Retail and Commerce Media? How does it function, and how can Nordic retailers from various sectors tap into this growing trend? What lessons can we draw from larger European markets?
Join this session to discover the actionable steps you can take on your own Nordic Retail and Commerce Media journey.

Written by
Johan P. Thorbjörnsson
Founder and Partner of Adler & Company